Best Url Shortener With High CPM Rates Earn Up To $ 9 Per 1000 Views is one of the highest paying URL shortener website. It is growing very fast. Here publisher can earn money by shortening their URL and pasting that URL in different places. As in your website, blog or social media networks. pay for worldwide traffic and gives high CPM rate. It pays more than $9 for 1000 visitors. Minimum payout-$2.

You can withdraw your amount when it reaches $2.There are lots of ways through which you can withdraw your money as PayPal. One of the best things about is that it gives you a 25% referral commission which is very much high then other URL shortener websites.

Minimum payout-$2
Referral commission-25%
Payment Options- Paypal,Bank transfer,skrill, Payeer, webmoney, jazzcash.
Payment time- instantly

Payment Proofs


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